Sunday, June 2, 2013

From a post I wrote in the " I love the USA" page on Facebook.

Yes, there is a lot to " love" about the USA. Firstly, the USA now ranks 15th in the industrialized world and has politicians wanting to eliminate the half-arsed health care system about to go into effect. A place where the college student constantly needs to worry about how their loans will ever be repaid, wh...ere Walmart managers earn 15 times what their hired slaves do; and where the average working schmuck does not earn enough to pay the rent. Shall I add, a nation with the highest teen pregnancy rate in the free world because politicians called Republicans cater to the rapidly fading Christian fundamentalist churches at the expense of everyone who, like that Scopes Monkey, has the education and ability to think for themselves. A place where the POOR mother who cannot even afford to support one child is forced to have five of them; all because the 1974 Hyde Amendment prohibits Medicaid from covering legal abortion services; or even contraceptives for that matter. To help contribute to this matter, we have idiot politicians they call " compassionate conservatives", usually Republicans on the far right who, rather than show any sense of COMPASSION for those less fortunate, do what they can to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. An organization started by Margaret Sanger of Western New York that actually provides referrals for MEN to get low-cost vasectomies so they no longer feel the need to bring more unwanted children into society; children they, and their wives/partners, cannot even afford to support on a crappy Walmart or "McGarbage" salary and shouldn't be having because they often don't have the brains needed to become a parent in the first place. America, the place where the billionaire pays far less income taxes than that same working schmuck at Walmart; e.g. Duke Walton vs. " Jane Q. Walmart-Cashier. They still claim that everyone has a chance to become the next Charles or David H. Koch, doing business from their smartphones as they " Live that life of luxury...lazing on a sunny the summertime" off the Southampton, NY, USA coast. Or maybe the coast off of Cape Cod as Mitt Romney directs his captain to chart a course toward the Cayman Islands as Ann powders her wrinkly old face to " cover up those age lines" she received from having to constantly scream at her Mexican Undocumented Nanny to make sure she changed her five son's diapers properly! The Mexican-Americans here at New Mexico State University surely believe the elusive American Dream still exists; the long-fading fable that if one " Works hard and plays by the rules" , they, too, can become the next Willard Mitt Romney, Duke Walton, or David H. Koch. And then come graduation, that is, if they can even graduate after the university places a " hold" on their student record over some unpaid traffic ticket or housing bill not paid in full. Add to that the $48,000 in accumulated DEBT from subsidized, and unsubsidized Stafford [ student ] Loans which must be repaid six months after either graduation, or leaving school for some other reason. France offers a free college education for all citizens, the UK offers government-controlled student loans with NO INTEREST. What do we have here? Answer, a bunch of greedy bankers getting wealthy off the backs of college students, bankers who will get even wealthier when the interest on subsidized Stafford Loans doubles from 3.4 percent; to 6.8 percent this summer! For most Americans, immigrants to America, they will probably never see the elusive American Dream. The average writer will never become another Stephen King, nor will the Walmart cashier become a store manager anytime before either getting fired for this or that mistake, or quitting in disgust. That or maybe going on Social Security Disability after landing in the psychiatric institution due to a nervous breakdown associated with being pushed, constantly, to do thirty hours of work in just eight hours. This often happens in companies who, like Walmart, refuse to allow their workers to either form, or join a labor union! Those with a college degree in an in-demand employment field will, more likely than not, work for some corporation like Verizon Telecommunications for the next thirty-five years or so; that is if they do not get laid off. They will become part of the American Proletariat whose main function is to serve the American Bourgeoisie. For many lesbians [ and gays], they cannot legally marry their loving and committed partners in thirty-eight USA States; unlike in the Netherlands, UK, Canada, and now France. For those born transgender, they will have no rights in more than 30 USA States to live in their actual gender; not the one solely based upon their birth sex. I could go on and on, but you get the point. America has some of the stupidest people on the planet. Don't believe me? Take a look at all the garbage magazines sold at the Walmart, or Stop and Shop checkout counter, or the mostly-garbage television shows on commercial network, and cable TV channels. Public Broadcasting, meanwhile, the one network featuring shows that actually ENLIGHTEN people, has to hold pledge drives and beg for money; mostly because of these Republican Conservative jerks in the USA Congress and House of Representatives, who, rather than fund Planned Parenthood and educational television; would rather spend taxpayer's money on a military that goes around the world to fight wars and prove they are " superior" to those "Muslim Idiots"; more like to grab all their cheap oil and make it easier for their wealthy billionaire constituents to utilize the cheap labor in places such as Bangladesh so as to make more garbage to be sold to the brainwashed American Idiot consumer. And yes, exploiting the youth of America to fight all those wars in the supposed name of " freedom". Freedom? really? In a country which has the highest prison population in the world; most who are serving time for growing marijuana and other harmless to society " crimes". I could go on and on, but the point is this. America might be the greatest country in the world when one compares it to Yemen, Syria, Mali; or maybe Vietnam, Mexico, and those third-world countries down in Africa where they still have no running water or indoor plumbing in many places. However, the USA is not so wonderful when one compares it to Iceland, Finland, Denmark, even the United Kingdom and Canada. The uneducated, ignorant " trailer/apartment trash" piece of human excrement down in Oklahoma where those tornadoes hit can " Thank the blessed lord, Jesus Christ" all they wish to; much like they used to when sitting around the dinner table; thanking the so-called "Lord" for their $10.00 an hour job at Walmart, or at Koch Industries oil refinery after coming home from a hard day's work. Karl Marx said that " Christ" was simply a PHANTASMAGORICAL ILLUSION that the proletariat created as a " comforter" to help them deal with their everyday misery associated with working for nothing more than a paycheck as they serve the bourgeoisie corporation owners. The famous German Psychologist named Sigmund Freud claimed that human beings invented this " divine father called " God" because they seek a father figure in their adult life that reminds them of their actual flesh and blood father they had as children; a " father" who will reward them for doing what they consider to be " good" and punish them whenever they are " bad". Freud's theories do not always make complete sense but this one surely does! Americans, especially, seek out this " Divine Father" so they will remember to always go to church and be " do-gooders" within their communities. That and to " punish" them whenever they do " wrong", for example, go to the Native-American casino or horse racetrack and spend their entire paycheck normally used to support their family on " Mr. Joe Blow"; the horse from Lexington, Kentucky that is owned by Charles Koch of Palm Beach, Florida. That or maybe when the husband goes off to Michael J. Peter's Thee Doll House to get himself a good lap dance; and maybe even a little " tension relief" from his favorite dancer who moonlights as a " call girl" on the side. When " Lucky Bucko's Flowers" wins that horserace and " Mr. Joe Blow" comes in last and they lose the trifecta, he can always explain to his wife and kids that " Satan" made him do it! And yes, come the Fourth of July, they can dance around the flagpole and sing "God Bless America". Come Thanksgiving and " Christmas" [ Yule moved from the day of winter solstice[ usually December 21] to December 25 and renamed "Christmas" by the evil Catholic Church] , they can sit around the family table, eat genetically -modified turkey raised on corn grown in Monsanto's petroleum-based fertilizer, give gifts that they cannot afford, and yes; loudly sing " Joy to the World" or " Come all ye Faithful". More like " Come all ye morons" but that's beside the point. To sum it all up, I have to admit that filmmaker Michael Moore was one-hundred percent correct when, asked what he thought of his fellow Americans during those Neo-McCarthy Years when George Walker Bush was presidents, said " They are, possibly, the dumbest people on the planet". Moore surely had a point here. One look at those ugly pieces of human pig vomit and their children born with fetal alcohol syndrome that were on TV recently, thanking the long- deceased " Lord" they call " Jesus Christ" that their children weren't killed in those Oklahoma tornadoes, and those with any sense will realize that yes, Michael Moore was correct!