Sunday, December 15, 2013

About stupidity. Something that seems rather common in both Christian and Catholic Fundamentalists, and Patriotic Americans

About Part 6 Stupidity. A video I found on You Tube after finding a link from Safe and Sound Schools/ A Sandy Hook Initiative. [ Sandy Hook having always been the working and middle class section of Newtown, Connecticut; a town in which I lived from August 24, 1974 to June of 1985, going to the same Newtown High as Adam Lanza did. Horseshit. I found it. perhaps this was because former United States' President George W. Bush was the example? Back in 2008 when I worked the Hillary for president campaign in Connecticut, I remember calling an Obama supporter in El Paso, TX, a black-sounding man who first started he was for Obama and then went on to say " As a construction foreman without a high school diploma, never would I have thought that I'd be smarter than the president. However, when I see George W. Bush on the television news making his speech, his body slouched over like a moron who can't even stand up straight and speech slurred worse than the dumbest cowboy in all of Texas, I look at that and say ' Hell, I am smarter than this president! Hard to believe that this idiot graduated from Harvard or wherever his rich daddy sent him to school at." Truly, he had a point. I went on saying what my educated, but unable to hold the simplest jobs, friend from a wealthy Jewish family on Long Island told me, one who graduated from Columbia University with a master’s degree. “It’s hard to even believe that this Bush moron even graduated from Yale. His father had to give Yale money to build a new addition to their library or something in order for that to pass." “His grandfather, actually", I replied. “The late, great US Senator from Connecticut named Prescott Bush." However, Bush was probably socially intelligent. I mean he knew how to properly pledge his fraternity, Skull and Bones, and how to initiate recruits in that basement by attaching electrodes to their testicles or whatever the hell they did while consuming massive quantities of beer at their Rush Week.  

Working class people and how their brains operate

From a recent comment on the documentary called Stupidity- Dumbing down of Society-Part three. How I can see the effects of this in American society in general.

" Very nice person, et. all" Sounds like, Gloria, this woman who works at the North Main Street laundromat here in Las Crucifixion, New Mexico, USA where I often go to wash my clothes. A typical working class woman who is single, brags about how " Smart [she] was in elementary school" and "How [she] graduated from Mayfield High School". That and how hard she works at her two fucking jobs as if she deserves a medal instead of getting absolutely NO medical benefits; except maybe through Obamacare, given she has enough sense to figure the goddamn thing out; or even figure out how to get online at Brannigan Memorial Library. Truly, I feel sorry for her, as she's just another victim of capitalism who's " Too proud" to not work hard for a living. Honestly, even though she's nice to me, I can tell by her tone of voice that she feels ' superior' to me in the sense that I'm the lazy bum on Social Security Disability who'd rather leach off the government and go to college. In some ways, however, she may be envious. Especially when I mention something I've learned in Psych 201G, CEP 110G, or especially in Women's Studies 201G and 202G. However, in Part 3 of the Dumbing down of Society, I can see why she harbors that condescending attitude. Obviously, she's got more emotional intelligence than I probably do in the sense that she knows what to say; and what NOT to say on the job. How to be a functional human " robot" so one can hold a job and earn a living. I must be honest and say that, even though I'm as financially poor as many of these working class simpletons here in Las Cruces, New Mexico [if not more so], I cannot relate to their fucking world of " God, family, and service to society and country". When she asked what I was doing for Christmas, I told her that " I don't see the sense in celebrating something so meaningless as that pathetic Christian Holiday, I'm not into the whole gift-giving crap scene, and the whole theory behind the Holiday Season makes absolutely no sense." [ About as much sense to me as that Republican idiot First Selectman of my former hometown, Newtown, Connecticut, who told the media to " Stay away from our little town on December 14, 2013" because " We're still trying to heal from the [ Lanza shooting] tragedy. What we need you to do is pray for us." As if " praying" about it to some phantasmagorical illusion called " Jesus Christ" is magically going to cure this country's gun problem bolstered by the National Assault Rifle Association's funding of Republican, and many Democratic Politician's campaigns.